2 things you should do to be in charge of your day

Sumit Ghimire
2 min readJun 3, 2018

How much aware are you during your day? Do you just go through the day with whatever impulse and habits you have?


The secret to having a day where you are making impact in your lives and others is to be more aware.

About what specifically?

Well, everything and that includes unconscious signals that present themselves to you.

Here are two things that can help you remain aware through the day:

1) Meditation:

Meditation is a key to bring more awareness into your life. As the day continues, you gather more and more information. Then the mind is busy with thinking, feeling, perceiving. Meditation is bringing your attention back to itself.

As Osho describes it “ “Meditation is a quality of being that you bring to the act. It is not a particular act, it is not that you do this then it is meditation — that you sit in a certain posture, siddhasana, and you keep your spine erect, and you keep your eyes closed or you look at the tip of your nose or you watch your breath, then it is meditation — no, these are just devices for the beginners”

Meditation can actually bring more quality and effectiveness in your action. Saying that meditation is against action is not right.

2) Prioritize the most important things you need to do:

After bringing awareness into your life, you can then start bringing you mind to organize and plan your time.

Now, you are the master so you can use the mind to do what you want to do. Write three things you should do for the day and prioritize them.

Think about why completing those tasks are important for you.

“Greatness is lots of small things done well everyday”

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Sumit Ghimire is a certified NLP Coach,Certified Reiki Healer, Meditation Teacher and mind strategist.



Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist