A letter to god

Sumit Ghimire
4 min readAug 2, 2019

The day was Saturday and i had been to an event to learn some more things about this new toastmasters club i recently joined.

I had a very deep conversation with a friend after the event. It was about balancing our spiritual and material lives. The insights were so deep that i felt an integration was happening within me.

Anyway, i came back home and meditated on it before going to sleep. The meditation was very deep engulfing me with waves of bliss and ecstasy.

I was awake for a long time because i was just so aware about everything inside me. The next day i woke up late and was not feeling very inspired or energetic.

I felt like it was going to be one of those lifeless days where you let your behaviors arise without consciousness and volition.

It continued for the next two days even though i was meditating every morning. Every night i felt really fucked up and forgot everything about how precious life is and how letting mind be the master can suck the life right out of you.

On one of those days, i wrote a letter to god after a meditation in the morning because i did not want to live like this. I wanted to be alive, challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone consistently.

I wrote:
Dear God,

I am feeling the love that you are. I know your love for I(all beings) is unimaginable. You make us know that there is nowhere to go, nothing to achieve, nothing to conquer. Then why oh lord, does your play gets the best of us? Have we forgotten you and your galactic love for us?

Have we deluded ourselves with what we see, feel,hear and taste to keep filling the void that is the gate into your fullness. OH! divine communicate to us thy wisdom that echoes in the heart of all beings to transcend into oneness.

Lo and behold after a couple of days, i got a response in the most peculiar form imaginable. A parrot came in to my house out of nowhere. It flew in through the front door and stood on my mother’s shoulder. It was a very rare sight for all of us.

Mr. Mystery

It made me curious about what could it mean. Then i decided to look for an expert opinion, say it with me G-O-O-G-L-E.

I found an article about this event and to my surprise, it read:

In this case, parrot symbolism is asking you to stay alert. New ideas which can bring about new growth or a new direction is imminent for you. Thus like the Miniature Schnauzer dream, parrot meaning insists that you need to pay attention to the signs and omens around you. Everything is possible right now. Therefore, it’s the perfect time to go after the dreams you once thought were out of reach.

Alternatively, parrot symbolism may be asking you to learn new language skills. It could also be that your self-talk has been more negative than positive of late. In other words, take the time to become aware of what you are saying to yourself.

Everything resonated with how i was living in those two days, i was not being alert. The self talk that was happening was not the most enlightening. My vision seemed like it was going further away as all the doubt crept it with unconsciousness. It is a big eye opening not just for me but for all of us. We must be aware about how we communicate within ourselves and other people around us

There are always signs for us if we have the awareness to see it or even feel it. Now i know what the steeply logical people are going to say, that it depends on how you see it. It is just a coincidence, there is no need to connect it with a message from the divine.

As i respect that as your model of the world and only invite you to question your own beliefs because i got the message clear and loud. Ever since i have stayed alert, focused on what needs to be done and felt more joyful and calm.

This has also helped me take actions towards my goals.

Thank you.

Sumit Ghimire

Atma Kriya Yogi, Life purpose coach

Certified in NLP and Reiki Healing.

Write to me at liveyourlife@sumitghimire.com



Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist