Through a child’s eye

Sumit Ghimire
4 min readAug 22, 2019


What does it feel like to look from a child’s eye? Everything is new, nothing has been named and defined just yet. There are no maps in the mind just yet. Oh!! What a liberation it is just to be here with everything.

When a child sees the shining sun for the first time in it’s glare and abundance soothing every cell in his body, he doesn’t care if it’s a massive ball of energy formed of plasma and gas. When he touches the calm water flowing in it’s spirit connecting through every fiber of his skin, he does not care if it is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Water was way more fun before that chemistry teacher made it all complex.

A tranquility comes with this in each moment. There is you and there are things that you see, hear and touch. The difference as a child is that the “you” that you know yourself to be has not arised in a child just yet. The world around you has no definition just yet. Everything you see is just as it is.

This is what freedom must feel like. As a child grows, the ability to use language, ask questions and understand things start arising. Initially when a child first discovers this miraculous ability, the questions keep coming out. It is not that the child is interested in your answers but enjoys the act of this new found ability.

Slowly and gradually, a child creates his model of the world. He starts separating himself as an entity, a personality, a human being and develops a relationships with people, places and things around.These are all present in our brains as neural networks.

When you mom first taught you that she is your mother, you took it in and then she kept repeating it again and again thereby creating a specific neural pathway that makes it almost unconscious for you. Hence you can easily recall her but when you meet a new friend, you may struggle to keep the name in you mind because the neural connections are not strong yet.

For each person, place, preferences, interests, like and dislikes there are neural networks ready to fire when you need them. Now the child keeps looking to fulfill his prophecies, his desired relationships to find completion and fulfillment as a separate entity.

This process goes for years and years as the search for expansion and wholeness continues. From strengthening their identity, finding their desired mate to acquiring different things is all an attempt to experience that wholeness which was once their very nature as a child.

Only after many years of wandering, one realizes that maybe a new direction is to be taken. A direction which questions their very beliefs and concepts of reality. In a way it’s like a complete loop, a full circle.As the inquiry intensifies and realizations come forth, a person finds themselves back into the little child which they once were- innocent and pure, full of love, energy and kindness.

An experienced meditator or a yogi can tell you that after a deep session of deep meditation, the world goes, the definitions and names all go. In the brain all those neural networks quiet down, there is more coherency and no trigger to create stress hormones.As the discovery of the bliss in each moment happens, all senses melt away in the bliss of every moment. When eyes finally open, it takes a while to name certain things, to know that i am in a particular space at a particular time.

Eventually as the neural pathway fire in an instant,everything is known as what they are as per their conditioning and experience as an observer.

Now the only difference is that there is a knowing that what he calls himself and what he calls to be matter is a dance of energy that could be colored into one of infinite possibilities.

As I meditated every day for the last three years, i started to realize how all my memories came back to release themselves of old neural pathways evoking anger, hate, jealousy and fear. With this new found freedom,it is easier to redefine those memories and recondition the mind in the possibilities of an inspiring future.

When one looks at matter and decides to look deeply, like how the quantum physicist do, we can know that 99.99 % or the fundamental element(atom) is empty or like they call it infinite field of information and frequencies.

That means it is our choice either to stick to a model of the world that has been created by our past experiences and live our old emotions or just like a kid be available with enough space to welcome every moment with infinite possibility that can be tapped into with new emotions of joy, gratitude, love and intention of service, connection and celebration.



Sumit Ghimire
Sumit Ghimire

Written by Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist

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