It’s time
I don’t know how you are spending your time inside the house.
But i do know that it is a great time to realize the oneness in all life. Our idea or separation only causes us more fear, insecurity and anxiety.
In the old times, many men left their homes in search of this truth. It was not because it could only be found on the treacherous Himalayan caves and snow covered peaks.
It was because of the chance to leave all identities that was created inside their minds.
There is a beautiful story about Buddha after he returns to his kingdom after his realization.
Rabindranath Tagore has written a poem about this incident when Buddha comes.
Yashodhara asked him one thing. ‘Just tell me one thing,’ she said. ‘Whatever you have attained… I can see you have attained, whatsoever it is. I don’t know what it is — just tell me one thing: was it not possible to attain it here in this house?’ And Buddha could not say no. It was possible to attain it here in this house. Now he knew. Because it has nothing to do with forest or with town, with family or with ashram — it has nothing to do with any place; it has something to do with your innermost core. It is available everywhere.
Osho, The Tantra Vision — Speaking on the Royal Song of Saraha, Vol 2, Ch 1 (excerpt)
Even for someone like Buddha, it took time to understand that leaving was not the answer but realizing his true home was.
Now as we are inside our homes, this is a great opportunity, one that Gautama never had. He had to force his way to shed all his identities and he thought renunciation was the way.
But guess what he left some; of a prince , a father and a husband and picked others of a spiritual practitioner and seeker.
It was not until the day he left all that was not real and merged with the real- he was home.
We have a chance, a golden opportunity to look what is real and what is not for yourself as many of our identities are also on hold at the moment, but are they? May be they are still not at rest. What if they were? What if you cut all bonds inside?
What would that experience be like?
Let Buddha’s story be a lesson that outward renunciation means nothing until you renounce your own ego.
It is my humble request so that your treasures shine on you.