Meaningful relationships and well-being
We are all here to help one another from the grossest to the most subtle way. When we see someone struggling to get up on the road when they fall, we mostly offer our help and it makes us feel good from within. If that is an expression to help someone in the gross aspect, then we know we use our words to uplift someone in a more subtle way.
Now I want to underline something here. It’s not just the words we speak but the way we speak it. The tonality, the pitch and pace can all bring forth a healing to another person. Right now, what people are looking for is genuine connection. A connection where they can feel vulnerable and share what they wouldn’t want to.
The stats reveal this in a way that could startle you. A survey by Action for Children found that 43% of 17–25 year olds who used their service had experienced problems with loneliness, and that of this same group less than half said they felt loved. Not only that but not having good quality connection is as bad as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
If these stats don’t reveal our need for proper and genuine human connection then you should also know that people without meaningful connection are more likely to suffer from dementia, heart disease and depression. (Valtorta et al, 2016) (James et al, 2011) (Cacioppo et al, 2006)
Now what do you think could be done? I would love to know your perspectives on this too. Now if you look at it from an empowering perspective, our growth internally and deeper insights happens when we are alone.
“There is a loneliness more precious than life. There is a freedom more precious than the world. Infinitely more precious than life and the world is that moment when one is alone with God.”
― Rumi
There is a distinct difference between the word lonely and alone. Lonely sounds like a language that is used by someone with a victim mentality but alone sounds like a very conscious embrace for a specific purpose depending on an individual.
An experienced meditator averagely spends about an hour or two swimming in the vast silence of healing vibration and relaxation. As this becomes more habitual, you can experience an aloneness that comes with you through the day making you less reactive and more in charge of your own emotional states.
This means that when we switch from feeling lonely to embrace being alone, we enhance our moods, create meaningful relationships and can become an active contributor to the community.
Healthy adults who participated in an eight-week mindfulness program reported lower levels of loneliness on surveys.
You can see how this practice will enable you to not only help anyone in a grosser level but more effectively in the subtlest levels.
If you want to know where to start, start from yourself. Become aware of your own mind and practice becoming the awareness of the content that passes through your mind.
It can be challenging in the beginning but as you become more aware, you will be surprised to find many answers to questions that have been in your mind. And if you really want to accelerate your process find a life coach near you.
Life coaching statistics reveal that a hefty two-thirds of people who see a coach find they are more self aware after having done so.
This means having clarity in decision making, healing past memories, knowing your vision, choosing your right path, making an impact in the world, earning more money, knowing what really matters to you and so much more.
Hey, see if you are a personal development freak, here is something that may blow your mind.
I want to invite to for FREE coaching session to explore what you want to and become more aware about our own life that is eventually going to help you with insights.
You don’t have to commit because I know how it can be, I have also been here. So you can choose wisely and surely have a great session because transformation happens in seconds. Change takes time but transformation is instant because it is an insight.
Connect with me by sending me an email at or call me at +977–9841400046.
And yeah for people who scroll at the end to read the summary like me, here it is:
1) Know what it means to help someone in a more subtle aspect.
2) The degrading effect of loneliness in our health, wealth and social lives.
3) How meditation can be a great solution for you?
4) How can a life coach accelerate your process of transformation?