Sadhguru's advice for young adults and my experience of meeting with the master.

Sumit Ghimire
5 min readMay 17, 2020


Meeting the master was nothing sort of a celebration and a blessing.

Being in his presence is a transformation in itself.

Nothing needed be be added or subtracted, everything was perfect as it was.

How it all began?

I was living in Bangkok at that time.

It was 2018 and me along with a friend of mine found out that Sadhguru is visiting and doing an event.

I was so excited, i filled the form to become a volunteer for the event.

I also purchased the tickets just in case they did not select me.

Fortunately they did. Yayy!!

Working with the wonderful Isha foundation

As soon as we got there, the welcome and the courtesy of the Isha voulnteers made us feel at ease.

We were all divided into groups and assigned specific tasks.

The level of effortless effort and organization between the volunteers was phenomenal.

I experienced the power of focus and enthusiasm could accomplish anything even for a bunch of untrained volunteers like us.

This was all we needed.

We got to work. We did everything we were asked to and more. We were two highly energetic 22 year old’s at the time.

The master arrived

I still remember the feeling when he finally entered the room.

It felt like everything lit up.

For the first time, i was star struck and couldn’t believe the white bearded Guru i had been watching in YouTube is now in front of me.

He sat down gracefully clapped his hands said a mantra.

In that moment everything was quiet, in this silence i felt it, it was so powerful yet so invasive.

I found myself weeping like a little baby dripping in ecstasy.

I called him

Every moment after that was only full.

I was so entrenched in his presence that i don’t really remember anything he said.

The experience in itself was so enchanting.

After the event, he actually decides to come closer amidst us. There were so many people surrounding him.

I thought i would never even get a glimpse of him.

But I decided to climb on chair and call him, i shouted “Sadhguru”

His glance was very strange

He looked at me as if he knew everything about me.

His look was one that did not resemble any specific emotion.

It was a face of a Bairagi and it has reached very deep within me.

After the event, i was communicating with people in a gusto.

I had never related to another human being that way.

Here is why i wrote this for you.

I wrote this for you so that you can open yourself to the possibility of yourself being so grander than what your might be telling yourself.

I later realized that I never met Sadhguru, I met myself and nothing was separate from myself. It was all one expressing itself through many forms.

Here are 5 advice Sadhguru has for young adults like us who are navigating their life as we get to experience putting our services forward for the world.

I have complied this after watching many videos he has on the internet on this subject.

  1. Decide where you want to invest your life in: If life is precious, then you must decide what cause you want to dedicate it towards. Then you will find something truly worthwhile to do.
  2. Focus on creating something that matters not just earning a living: If you think in terms of how to earn a living, how to get this and that kind of thing, then you will do something silly that you will regret for the rest of your life.
  3. Do this before jumping into the world: Without the influence of the peers of your own age group, without the influence of your professors and your parents, you must sit with yourself, at least two three days and look at what is it that i want to invest this precious life into?
  4. It is best to decide when you are joyful as peaceful: As you sit by yourself meditating with a certain level of clarity and joy, that is the perfect time to decide. Desperate goals that you set will mean a lot at that moment but tomorrow morning you will look and say i don’t know why i am tangled up in this.
  5. Be process focused not goal focused: There may be a direction you have taken but you have to dedicate to the process otherwise goal will just be hallucination. Try this- just don’t take this one breath, take the next one. Can you do it? Without taking this one step properly, you are just hallucinating the goal. If you have one eye on the goal and another on the way, you have only one eye to find your way, it is inefficient.

Now if you find this intriguing, you can follow my page for more content like this. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel here.

Here is the thing I will be straight up with you, just by reading this i do not expect you to have a real like transformation.

That requires focus, commitment and courage and having a system that works for you so that you can remain consistent and see yourself impacting your own life and everyone else around you.

Here is something that will make you happy,

If you sign up here, and fill this up for me. I can schedule a Free coaching session with you. Here i will let you know more about that system and how it has created amazing results for every single person i have worked with.

And if you feel skeptic that alright, i felt it too but now working with a coach and using many tools has really helped me create the work that matters to me.

P.s if you are someone who just happened to scroll in the end. Here’s what this is about:

  1. My experience of meeting Sadhguru Jaggi Vsudev.
  2. 5 life transforming advice Sadhguru has for Young adults.



Sumit Ghimire
Sumit Ghimire

Written by Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist

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