Sometimes you write and sometimes you are written
As I was taking a stroll on the street, I saw plastic wrappers lying all over. My walk was a genuinely peaceful one. There were very few thoughts in my mind and for long chunks of time just nothing.
When this happens, there is a natural connection you start feeling with the surrounding and existence itself. You sense of self starts getting overtaken by this wave of ecstasy and bliss. You smile without any reason and feel an authentic love for all beings.
I know you might be thinking- well what’s the point? Are you really solving a global problem? What do you want to make out of that?
Because this is a message that’s being written, I don’t see any point in making any point. I am writing as the words dance around and appear in my awareness.
See this unity is what we long for in a deeper level. This is a place where you allow something bigger than you to work through you.
Getting back to the wrappers on the street, I wanted to mention that because your compassion does not limit itself to just beings but our mother too. We are all living in her womb and we need to love her, take care of her and keep her clean.
This message was written through the will of something bigger than all of us- God, Allah, Jesus, Krishna, awareness. It does not matter what word we use because words can’t capture that.
Peace and love to all beings. May all my words, actions and behavior contribute to that peace and love.