Stop this work life balance crap.

Sumit Ghimire
4 min readFeb 23, 2020


When you are constantly striving to create what you care for, you will never wish for a break.

Your work has to be lived, and your life has to be worked at. And there is no such thing as work and life, it is life and life. If your work is not life, I do not see why you should do it. Your work also is life. Would your life happen if there was no work? I am not referring to just the economic aspects. So work is very much life.


A human being spends one third of their life working. If you begin working at twenty and end at sixty, that is forty years of your life.

According to the statistics, work related stress is climbing like never before. A research done by Everest College in the United States of America stated that 83 % people suffer from work related stress. The causes are sporadic,

1) Not having a boss that understands you. (35%)

2) Poor communication within the organization. (80%)

3) Heavy work load. (39%)

It has affected different areas of their lives.

1) Sleep deprivation (66%)

2) Personal lives (76%)

3) Productivity (56%)

This numbers reflect something similar in the United Kingdom.

A research done by HSE (Health and Security Executive) shows that there are a total number of 602,000 cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018/19.

The causes are spread on some similar grounds,

1) 44% workload

2) Bullying, threats, miscommunication (13%)

3) Lack of support (14%)

These facts revel to us that there are lots of people who don’t value or love their work. This happens when there is a misalignment between what we value and care for in our lives and the work that you do.

Let’s say you are working at an organization as a manager with a few employees who report to you. You work in the sales department and you are leading a team of sales representatives.

Your daily work includes lots of reporting to your boss, staff meetings, sales calls and sales meetings. It’s rather repetitive work and you have very clear guidelines how many calls have to be made and how many sales meeting have to happen per week.

Now let’s also imagine you are somebody with lots of energy. You have the urge to do new things and you value diversity and freedom the most. You thrive in an environment where no day is like the previous one and where lots of unexpected things come your way.

How do you think you would feel working in such a job? It’s a clear misalignment between your values and your work.

I have worked with many people as a life purpose coach and mostly it is clear that they either have no idea what they really value in life or are in misalignment with their values.

One way to be clear about this is by taking a little time for yourself and asking yourself what is really important for me in terms of the work I do?

Is it being creative, helping people or something else. It may take you a while but soon enough you will have a list and a clear realization of what is it you want to do or what direction your life moves towards.

If you are someone really not feeling connected to the work you are doing, I have a programme know as the personal breakthrough coaching.

One of the key parts is working on the value realization that gives you a clear and relieves you of any kind of inner conflict you may have.

That means having more energy to do work that you love, become productive, live with vigor,creativity and be a major contributor in the community.

As you have come till here reading everything, I want you to know that what you are about to read will really make your day.

I provide FREE sessions to help you out as much as i can on clarifying your own values and goals that comes from you.

Contact me at: 9841400046 or email me at




Sumit Ghimire
Sumit Ghimire

Written by Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist

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