The amazing logical levels.

Sumit Ghimire
3 min readMar 6, 2020


Logical levels is a term first coined by Robery Dilts who is an international speaker and a pioneer in the study of Neuro linguistic Programming.

This structure in it’s entirety covers all aspects of our lives. Starting from our place in the world, our vision, our purpose and dream to the environment around us.

I specifically love this because it allows us to glimpse the highest state of our reality and grounds us amidst the present situation in our life.

The first layer is the layer of environment. This constitutes to our current situation in life. What does your place look like? Who are the people that surround you? How is your neighborhood?

The second layer is behavior. What actions do you take everyday? How do people respond to your actions? What is the result of your actions? What do you specifically spend your time doing? Where do you focus on most of the time?

The third layer is of your skills and capabilities. What skills do you possess? What are you good at? What do you want to be good at? Are you a good speaker or good at math? What is it that you are good at naturally?

The fourth layer is of Beliefs and Values. What do you believe? What is most important to you in your life? What are your beliefs about success, money, relationships or career?

The fifth one is your identity. Who do you identify yourself with? What do you want to know people about you? What is your role in life? How do you introduce yourself?

The last layer is of spirituality. How do you intend to contribute in your life? Who else is affected by you and your presence?

All the layers are fundamentally the basis of our lives. Each layer affects the other. The deeper we go, the subtler each layers gets. That means working with the deeper layers demands more awareness and patience. I mean just think about it, how many people change places because life has becomes too monotonous?

How many people learn new skills and take new courses to change their lives? How many people change their actions to get new results all the time?

Switching jobs, places and even adding skills is not going into the heart of the matter.

When your beliefs change, your world literally changes. Your actions and skills become secondary, that’s why changing mindsets has become such a big market.

Everyone talks about raising standard, lifting your mindset.

Realizing your values can be a big game changer too because now you know exactly where you should spend your time and energy to be happy and joyful.

As we get more deeper, shifting how you look at yourself instantly affects all other layers. Imagine if you view yourself as worthy, good enough and that you can have it all, you beliefs change, you know what skills to invest in and exactly what your behavior needs to be?

But none of this makes any difference until you strike the last center dead in the heart. What is your place in existence? Who are you really? What is your relationship with people? Who do you choose to be?

This model is something i go deep into when i do my life purpose coaching sessions. I mean each layer is attentively worked with once we go through much of your challenges. Just working with what I have given you can make a big impact for you.

Imagine what happens when you get someone to really listen to you without judgement and has all the intention to see you grow and live a life of passion, joy and happiness

Sing up with me for a Free Consultations. I urge you to give yourself a chance, give your dream a chance, give the person you can be a chance.




Sumit Ghimire
Sumit Ghimire

Written by Sumit Ghimire

Certified NLP Results Coach,TIme Line therapist, Healer Meditation Teacher, Mind Strategist

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