Three easy ways to discover what you really value.
What do you really care about in this world? Is it people’s well being, providing shelter or food for people in need. What is it specifically?
Do you know? Do you have a picture in your mind about it? I don’t care how many degrees you have,who you are and what you have accomplished if you have not realized what is really important to you.
If your actions do not reflect your values, then you are not living an energized life.
What is the fear about?
It really got to me when Jim Carey said these lines.
“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.”
The anxiety of going to work once again does not need to be the way you have to live.
Life is to be lived in high levels of energy, focus and continuous growth.
This is what I realized when I decided to be a life coach and help people live more joyfully with purpose and clarity.
Sure there was fear, crazy conflict within myself but i knew on the other side is things i could never imagine before.
The doors that open up really make it all worthwhile.
Let me share with you a few ways that you could start today.
- Look for what is really important to you: Once you know what is really important to you, it is very easy to make decisions and carve a path out for yourself. You get to fell energetic even while working long hours because deep down you know the lives you will impact through your work.
- Look for what you do just for the fun of it: There are certainly some activities we do just for the fun of it. We do it because we really enjoy the process. The outcome is really not the prime concern for us. Whatever it may be, look for the inner feelings you experience. Perhaps you experience a state of flow, creativity, joy and being present. This is one way to know what is really important to you.
- Look for whatever you are ready to put of with: The thing is even if you experience a complete alignment with the work that you want to do, there are still going to be challenges. What you must now decide is what are you ready to put up with?
If you relate to what i have written and you feel like this is exactly a problem you are facing, then there is something you will like.