Why standing up for yourself is very important for your mental health?
As we live in this world, we come in contact with many experiences. Each expression leaves it’s own mark on us. Whatever happens in life is something we can never be in control of but how we choose to respond is always in our hands.
I would describe my self as a gentle, loving and positive person. These are certainly good traits to have but i have felt that people with these traits have a hard time standing for themselves. We become so supportive in our language and the way we behave that sometimes we forget that it is not good for us.
Here are five specific ways we can start standing up for ourselves:
i) Create and respect your boundaries:
It is essential to evaluate your own needs. That means comparing oneself with another is not a healthy way to approach this. Everyone is different and just because another agrees on something does not mean you have to. When you know and understand your own needs it is much easier to stand up for yourself.
Say you are a social introvert and challenge yourself to be out for social interactions and they end up being fun as well. But one a fine day, you just knew that you have had your quota of after work hangs for the week and joining them sounds more stressful then relaxing, you can then take heed in letting your already-set boundaries do their job.
ii) Feel free to use the word NO when you know you need to:
Using the word NO can be like a powerful tool for you. It helps you mange any kind of anxiety or stress that it may bring. When you know something is not important for you, it better to say NO.
Along with using it, it is as important to assert yourself in it without having to explain yourself to anyone. If anyone pressures you into saying yes, you can say ‘no but thank you for the offer’. It’s OK to not offer a reason if you decline to something. If you are pressured for a reason, you can simply say, ‘I appreciate your interest, but it simply doesn’t work for me.’
iii) Understand there is no obligation to commit to something immediately:
Many times when we feel pressured, we commit to a project or any kind of engagement when put in the spot. It is essential to asses your needs and values and take your time before making a decision. Besides, when you are not fully aligned in the commitment, you can’t perform at your best. In cases such as this, you can simply say, ‘I’d love to think about this. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.’
iv). Feel completely merited in excusing yourself from situations that don’t serve you
If someone is really pulling your ear, the best method might just be to leave the conversation entirely. Trust me, it’s not a surrender, it’s self care. “A physical time out, such as leaving the room or going for a walk, is sometimes necessary to get the point across,” Dr. Manly says.
v) Don’t operate under the assumption that you have to address personal questions:
When someone is being too intrusive say in the case of your relationship, you can simply respond with a smile and say i would rather not speak about it.
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Sumit Ghimire
Certified NLP Coach (ABNLP)
Certified Reiki Healer(Mikao Usui)